Season 46 of the long-running reality competition show returns to screens later this February, where 18 new castaways will compete against each other in the hopes of winning the title of "sole survivor" and the $1 million prize that goes along with it.
Season 46 will premiere Wednesday, Feb. 28 at 8 p.m. EST/PST on CBS and Paramount+ in a special two-hour episode. The second episode will also be two hours, and subsequent episodes will run for 90 minutes.
The show, on air since 2000, is hosted by Jeff Probst. This season, the 18 castaways are divided into three tribes of six at the beginning, where they must build a shelter, find food, compete in challenges and ultimately vote each other out of the game.
Dee Valladares, a 26-year-old entrepreneur from Miami, beat out the other three final contestants, Austin Li Coon and Jake O'Kane to win Season 45.
Here's what to know about the 18 castaways stranded in Fiji who are all aiming to become the "Survivor" Season 46 winner.